Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Basics
This introduction to refrigeration and basics of the refrigeration and air conditioning system including the basic refrigeration cycle course is intended for beginners with little or no refrigeration or air conditioning experience.
We will introduce you to the basic components of a cooling system, some basic refrigeration principles and as we progress through the course, we will add more details, processes, and methods until you have a good understanding of the basic processes involved in maintaining and installing cooling systems.
The refrigeration cycle will be visited repeatedly to further reinforce your basic cooling cycle knowledge and after each lesson, a revision of your knowledge will be checked by way of an end-of-lesson quiz.
If you’re an experienced refrigeration or air conditioning engineer, you may find that the topics are very basic. These have been specifically designed this way to introduce the basic four components of a cooling cycle and their individual functions without introducing confusing information regarding additional parts, components and control systems fitted by individual manufacturers.
This is a basic introduction to cooling systems, and I do not initially mention exceptions or nuances by design as I do not want to lose the attention of the learner but introduce these later in the course.